
Anne of Green Gables: The Complete Collection by L.M. Montgomery

jenkatjenkat's review against another edition

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Read them all (more than once) - loved them all.

sneaky_badger's review against another edition

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These books bring me back so many happy memories, such a treasure

sariahsharp's review against another edition

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My mom recently started sending me my childhood books, and since I haven't read the Anne books since I lived at home (almost 15 years ago), I just had to read them again. I was not disappointed in one aspect of these books! They are still as magical to me now, at 32, as they were when I first read them at 11. If anything, I appreciate the writing even more. Every book is beautiful and entertaining. I'm so glad to have these on my bookshelf again so I can read them over and over again. It was like coming home to your best friend. Go read them again yourself!!!! You will not regret it!!

kdrsault's review against another edition

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Ooh, I love Anne of Green Gables! It's like Little House on the Prairie and Little Women combined. The later ones were a little too soapy for my taste, but my love for the characters let me look past that.

rosy1912's review against another edition

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shame I don't have these books anymore. Loved the books, loved the t.v. show

asuka_mai's review against another edition

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Judul : Anne of Green Gables
Author : L.M. Montgomery
Tahun diterbitkan kembali : 2021
Penerbit : Wilco Publishing House
Tebal : 322 Hal

Selama ini kebanyakan buku Anne of Green Gables yang ku baca sudah disederhanakan ceritanya (abridged). Kali ini aku membaca versi aslinya yang complete dan unabridged.
Ternyata Versi aslinya lebih bagus dan benar-benar kerasa banget kata yang seperti mendayu-dayu.. Hmmm.. apa ya istilahnya.. deskripsinya seperti prosa gitu, berirama dan penggambaran-nya seakan romantis gitu.
Hal ini wajar mengingat buku ini diciptakan pertama kali oleh L.M. Montgomery pada tahun 1908. Mungkin saat itu Novel-novel yang ditulis pakai bahasa yang seperti ini ya. Thee, Thou Yup seperti itu.

Walau ada sempet beberapa kali ku merasa kesulitan dalam mebacanya, karena bahasa Classic nya yang kental tapi aku hajar aja tanpa membuka kamus. Karena salah satu teman buku-ku Dian menyarankan kalau baca buku Inggris yang sulit ga usah buka kamus, lanjut dan hajar aja, karena kalau buka kamus malahan mengurangi asyiknya cerita yang sedang kita baca. lama-lama kita dapat feel nya dan mengerti arti nya sendiri tanpa buka-buka kamus.

Buku pertama dari Anne ini sudah kubaca dari berbagai versi dari yang versi Indonesia terbitan Gramedia, versi buku klasik anak-anak, sampai pada Graphic Novel bahkan komik nya. Yup sesuka itu aku sama cerita Anne ini, hingga aku ga ragu mengoleksinya.

Saat membaca yang versi Complete dan Unabridged ini, dimana bahasa asli dari si pengarang langsung, aku benar-benar suka dan asyik banget bacanya, ga bosen sedikitpun. kaya bacanya itu disayang-sayang.

Sebetulnya L.M. Montgomery banyak menerbitkan Novel dari buku anak sampai Misteri. Karya nya ada 20 Novel, 530 cerpen, 500 poems dan 30 essays sebelum ia akhirnya meninggal dunia di Tahun 1942.

Karyanya yang paling terkenal dan diterbitkan di seluruh dunia ialah Anne of Green Gables ini, bahkan di sekolah-sekolah luar Negri, jadi buku bacaan wajib di sekolah-sekolah. Pokoknya Karya yang abadi sepanjang masa. Terbukti usianya sudah 115 tahun masih terus diterbitkan ulang sampai saat ini.

Pokoknya 5 bintang dariku untuk buku ke-1 nya ini.

saatnya lanjut ke buku 2 nya "Anne of Avonlea"

mithrilreads's review against another edition

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Read these I think in 2nd grade. During a girls phase. Finally donated them this year. Mostly just loved Anne's spunky character.

meyercarol's review against another edition

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Anne of Green Gables and the rest in the series were the books that made me a reader. I spent many hours late at night under the covers with a flashlight when I was in fourth grade. Anne was smart, she was competitive, she was spacey, she was eloquent, she was temperamental. I thought I was her. At the time, I couldn't stand to read the descriptive, flowery passages. I was all about plot.

Since that time, I have revisted Anne periodically. I understood more fully what it meant to lose a first, much-wanted baby. I internalized the meaning of "kindred spirits" the more of them I met. I even grew to appreciate the descriptions and to picture what Prince Edward Island must have been like.

Now I look at Anne as a prototypical heroine with Attention Deficit Disorder: brilliant, and infuriating both. These were my comfort books, before I discovered Jane Austin. Thanks Lucy.

lived_athousandlives's review against another edition

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Every young girl should read this!! It is a fantastic series!

jlg5's review against another edition

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