rhrousu's review

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Didn't have time to read the whole thing, but I skimmed it and read a few sections and it looked awesome. Perfect gift book and a fantastic recreational reading choice for nonfiction fans. Highly recommended for ages 7-12.

raejae25's review

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My rating is really a 4.5. Such a fun way to travel the world from your own couch. My children enjoyed this book almost as much as I did and now have a whole list of places they want to visit. I had the pleasure of listening to the author speak. He shared such interesting tidbits from around the world that had the audience wanting to get on a plane that instant. I would recommend everyone read this book.

tranylle's review

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This had tons of really cool places around the world with a few interesting facts about them. The kids wanted to visit most of them.

buechernewswelt's review

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Ich hab das Buch gesehen und wusste sofort: Ich MUSS es haben! Und Gott sei dank hab ich es! So ein absolut tolles und interessantes Buch schon lange nicht mehr in der Hand gehabt!

Unser Abenteuer beginnt gleich zu Anfang mit einigen dingen, die man bei Abenteuer unbedingt dabei haben muss. Und wenn man sich das erst mal durchgelesen hat geht es gleich mal nach Island.

Unglaubliche Bilder und Beschreibungen erwarten uns. 47 Länder. 100 fantastische Orte. 100te einzigartige Abenteuer. 1 Buch.

Vom heißesten Ort der Welt bis hin zum kältesten, erlebst du hier in diesem Buch einfach alles! Und sogar Österreich und Deutschland ist ein Abenteuer wert! In Österreich findest du eine Eisriesenwelt und ein unglaubliche Bibliothek!

Für mich ein absolutes MUSS und Highlight! Man muss es haben und für mich ist es definitiv ein Highlight für 2019 !!!

rebecca_oneil's review

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Flipped through. Really nice design here, with full-bleed illustrations (by Joy Ang) on every page. This would be a great gift book to get a kid thinking about travel and adventure.

kylasedai's review

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I had intended to just flip through this one before putting it on the shelf - twenty minutes later, I now have an infinite number of new tabs open to learn more about these places!
It covers the more well-known "odd" places, like Grand Prismatic Spring, Pripyat, and Easter Island, but also more...well, obscure ones.

marlisenicole's review

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adventurous informative fast-paced


90sinmyheart's review

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Neat stories but definitely geared towards later elementary school-aged kids. Also, it's more like imaginary travel/travel for when you're an adult.

amelia_herring's review

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This beautifully-illustrated book brings the fascinating spots on the planet to young readers. Like the version for adults, the Explorer's Guide showcases places all over the world for their geological features, animal migrations, and human creations. Not only does do the brief articles spark wonder and fascination, but they also inform the reader in different countries and cultures. Great for picking up to flip through, or to read deeply and plan your travels! Note: this review is based on an advanced copy from NetGalley.

mrssoule's review

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Great information, but my kids were not interested in the cutesy graphic art - actual photographs of these fascinating places would have been much more compelling.