Algebra Handbook for Gifted Middle School Students: Strategies, Concepts, and More Than 700 Problems with Solutions by Tayyip Oral, Steve Warner, Serife Turan

Algebra Handbook for Gifted Middle School Students: Strategies, Concepts, and More Than 700 Problems with Solutions

Tayyip Oral, Steve Warner, Serife Turan

182 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction mathematics informative medium-paced
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The Algebra Handbook for Gifted Middle School Students: Strategies, Concepts, and More Than 700 Problems with Solutions is a perfect fit for ambitious and mathematically inclined middle school students who are eager to excel in algebra and prepare for the MATHCOUNTS competition with its comprehensive review of key concepts and over 700 practice problems.


The "Algebra Handbook for Gifted Middle School Students" gives you the most effective methods, tips, and strategies for solving algebra problems in both conventional and unconventional ways. The techniques taught here will allow students to arrive...

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