Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories by Lance Rintamaki, Jace Allen, E Tristan Booth, Mary Alice Adams, Cory Holding, Sage E Russo, matthew heinz, Peter Odell Campbell, Gust A Yep, Jamie C. Capuzza, Jenny Dixon, Pamela J Lannutti, Lucy J Miller, Kami Kosenko, Leland G. Spencer, Kristen M Norwood, Thomas R Dunn, Kathleen Maness, Joshua Trey Barnett, Paul Martin Lester
Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories

Lance Rintamaki, Jace Allen, E Tristan Booth, Mary Alice Adams, Cory Holding, Sage E Russo, matthew heinz, Peter Odell Campbell, Gust A Yep, Jamie C. Capuzza, Jenny Dixon, Pamela J Lannutti, Lucy J Miller, Kami Kosenko, Leland G. Spencer, Kristen M Norwood, Thomas R Dunn, Kathleen Maness, Joshua Trey Barnett, Paul Martin Lester

300 pages first pub 2015 (editions)

informative medium-paced
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Communication scholars have played an instrumental role in this field theorizing about the nature of identities in relation to media, interpersonal, organizational, intercultural and rhetorical practices and exploring the political conditions thes...

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