Before the Curse: The Glory Days of New England Baseball, 1858-1918, Rev. Ed. by Troy Soos

Before the Curse: The Glory Days of New England Baseball, 1858-1918, Rev. Ed.

Troy Soos

218 pages first pub 1997 (editions)

informative slow-paced
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Before the Curse: The Glory Days of New England Baseball, 1858-1918, Rev. Ed. by Troy Soos is a must-read for baseball enthusiasts and history buffs who will be captivated by the rich and fascinating story of New England's storied baseball past, a tale of triumph, tradition, and the enduring passion of a region that once reigned supreme in the world of America's favorite pastime.


In this revised and updated version of his highly regarded book, author Troy Soos covers the history of baseball in New England from 1791 through 1918, the year in which the Red Sox won their final World Series of the 20th century. Beginning with ...

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