Among Chimpanzees: Field Notes from the Race to Save Our Endangered Relatives by Nancy Merrick

Among Chimpanzees: Field Notes from the Race to Save Our Endangered Relatives

Nancy Merrick with Jane Goodall (Contributor)

288 pages first pub 2014 (editions)

nonfiction science challenging informative reflective slow-paced
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Among Chimpanzees: Field Notes from the Race to Save Our Endangered Relatives by Nancy Merrick is a must-read for anyone who is passionate about conservation, wildlife preservation, and the interconnectedness of human and animal well-being, as it offers a compelling and inspiring journey into the world of chimpanzees and the dedicated individuals working tirelessly to protect their future.


Foreword by Jane GoodallA former student and colleague of Jane Goodall shares stories of chimps and their heroes, and takes readers on a journey to save man’s closest relative.  Unbeknownst to much of the public, chimps are in trouble: censuses sh...

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