Adversity Anthology: 20 Diverse Short Stories from an Eclectic Imagination by Bob Burnett

Adversity Anthology: 20 Diverse Short Stories from an Eclectic Imagination

Bob Burnett

196 pages missing pub info (editions)

fiction adventurous medium-paced
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Adversity Anthology: 20 Diverse Short Stories from an Eclectic Imagination by Bob Burnett is a great fit for readers who crave a electrifying and provocative journey through a wide range of genres, from the rugged Wild West to science fiction, with a cast of complex characters and moral dilemmas that will keep them on the edge of their seats.


"Whiskey and gentle ways did not go together for me. Time was I would wrap myself around a bottle of who-shot-john now and again and it brought me all sorts of grief. Not to mention the grief it brought to folks who happened across my path." Learn...

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