The Gashouse Gang: How Dizzy Dean, Leo Durocher, Branch Rickey, Pepper Martin, and Their Colorful, Come-from-Behind Ball Club Won the World Series - and America's Heart - During the Great Depression by John Heidenry, John Heidenry

The Gashouse Gang: How Dizzy Dean, Leo Durocher, Branch Rickey, Pepper Martin, and Their Colorful, Come-from-Behind Ball Club Won the World Series - and America's Heart - During the Great Depression

John Heidenry, John Heidenry

missing page info Add in missing page information first pub 2007 (editions)

emotional hopeful informative slow-paced
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The Gashouse Gang: How Dizzy Dean, Leo Durocher, Branch Rickey, Pepper Martin, and Their Colorful, Come-from-Behind Ball Club Won the World Series - and America's Heart - During the Great Depression by John Heidenry, John Heidenry is a great fit for readers who are baseball enthusiasts, history buffs, and anyone looking for a heartwarming and inspiring tale of hope and resilience during a pivotal moment in American history.


The definitive and rollicking story of one of the best, and one of the wackiest, teams of all time, during one of the most vital eras in baseball. With "The Gashouse Gang," John Heidenry delivers the definitive account of one the greatest and most...

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