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592 reviews
Meie by Yevgeny Zamyatin
One of the oddest reading experiences I've ever had. I feel as though I didn't understand 90% of this book, and yet it kept me interested throughout. At the same time, I can't honestly say I liked it, because I didn't enjoy the broken up and unfinished sentences. Seriously, nobody finished a sentence or thought in this book, which was confusing af.
The Pairing by Casey McQuiston
My first one from this author. I appreciated the sex-positivity, but didn't love how sex-focused the whole thing was.
When reading romance, I want to feel the connection and see the solid foundation of the couple. I felt like McQuiston didn't give me enough on that account and instead relied too much on the MCs having known each other since they were children, and supplying a few snippets from their childhood.
As an adult couple, it seemed like all they thought about and all they had was sex and lust. Eventheir reunion at the end, which would have been quite beautiful, was ruined by Kit immediately wanting to fuck.
It was also around 100 pages too long, and I didn't feel as though their initial issue had been properly resolved at the end. They were still the same people as when they broke up, especially in terms ofTheo's impulsivity and rashness.
Overall, I feel let down.
When reading romance, I want to feel the connection and see the solid foundation of the couple. I felt like McQuiston didn't give me enough on that account and instead relied too much on the MCs having known each other since they were children, and supplying a few snippets from their childhood.
As an adult couple, it seemed like all they thought about and all they had was sex and lust. Even
It was also around 100 pages too long, and I didn't feel as though their initial issue had been properly resolved at the end. They were still the same people as when they broke up, especially in terms of
Overall, I feel let down.
The End of Her by Shari Lapena
This is my second book from this author. It's not the greatest literature, but it's an entertaining slump-breaker. I'd definitely pick up another one from Lapena when I don't have enough spoons for something more complex. She knows how to write a gripping story, although her writing is really simple.
Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence
Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
Not in the right mindset for it, might pick it up later.
The Long Way Home by Louise Penny
Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
The characters and their thoughts feel unnatural, their behaviours incredibly odd. The mystery itself is just not very interesting.
None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell
Hands down my favourite of all the mysteries I've read by Jewell. I wish I could binge that documentary immediately.
Her Radiant Curse by Elizabeth Lim
I really liked it, but I fail to understand why the story had to take place over just three days. It made everything less believable, which I realise is kind of weird to say about fantasy, but still, I wish the timeline had been longer.
ATH - Tublist tüdrukust läbipõlenud naiseks by Lotta Borg Skoglund
Kuigi sain siit raamatust veidi ka kasulikku teavet, siis pigem oli üsna frustreeriv lugemine. Ma ei kahtle selles, et autor on oma ala spetsialist, kuid raamat on ääretult halvasti kirjutatud. Mingil määral on kindlasti asi ka tõlkes, kuid päris kõike ei tahaks selle kaela ajada.
Positiivne on raamatu loogiline struktuur, kuid mind meeletult häiris pidevalt samade asjade korrutamine. Autor rõhutab, et ATH ei ole intellektipuue, kuid samas tekkis mul lugedes tunne, nagu ta peaks mind rumalaks. Samuti lootsin siit leida suuremat seost raamatu pealkirjaga, kuid tublidest tüdrukutest eriti juttu ei olnudki. Pigem rõhutas autor õppimisraskusi, jättes välja ATH-naised, kellel õnnestus just väliste ootuste, kindlate reeglite ja tuttavaks saanud struktuuri tõttu õpingutes väga hea olla, kuid kes edasises elus ebaõnnestuvad, kuna järsku tuleb hakkama saada täiesti iseseisvalt ja ilma autoriteedi (õpetaja) seatud reegliteta.
Natuke tahan siiski nuriseda ka eestikeelse raamatu kvaliteedi üle. Kuna olen õppinud tõlkimist ja toimetamist ning sel alal ka töötanud, siis ma ei suuda mitte lugeda ilma, et hakkaksin oma peas toimetama. Rootsi keelt ma ei oska, seega on täiesti võimalik, et raamatus esinevad struktuurid on selles keeles tavapärased, kuid eesti keeles mõjus see raamat kohutavalt. Seal, kus oleks võinud olla koma, oli punkt ning seal, kus oli punkt, oleks võinud olla koma. Lausete sõnajärg ja seosed olid paigast ning esines ka päris palju trüki- ja hooletusvigu. Viimases peatükis, kus oli viidatud varasemale peatükile, oli vale leheküljenumber. Kokkuvõttes oli seda raamatut päris keeruline lugeda ja mul on hea meel, et ma seda oma raha eest ei ostnud.
Positiivne on raamatu loogiline struktuur, kuid mind meeletult häiris pidevalt samade asjade korrutamine. Autor rõhutab, et ATH ei ole intellektipuue, kuid samas tekkis mul lugedes tunne, nagu ta peaks mind rumalaks. Samuti lootsin siit leida suuremat seost raamatu pealkirjaga, kuid tublidest tüdrukutest eriti juttu ei olnudki. Pigem rõhutas autor õppimisraskusi, jättes välja ATH-naised, kellel õnnestus just väliste ootuste, kindlate reeglite ja tuttavaks saanud struktuuri tõttu õpingutes väga hea olla, kuid kes edasises elus ebaõnnestuvad, kuna järsku tuleb hakkama saada täiesti iseseisvalt ja ilma autoriteedi (õpetaja) seatud reegliteta.
Natuke tahan siiski nuriseda ka eestikeelse raamatu kvaliteedi üle. Kuna olen õppinud tõlkimist ja toimetamist ning sel alal ka töötanud, siis ma ei suuda mitte lugeda ilma, et hakkaksin oma peas toimetama. Rootsi keelt ma ei oska, seega on täiesti võimalik, et raamatus esinevad struktuurid on selles keeles tavapärased, kuid eesti keeles mõjus see raamat kohutavalt. Seal, kus oleks võinud olla koma, oli punkt ning seal, kus oli punkt, oleks võinud olla koma. Lausete sõnajärg ja seosed olid paigast ning esines ka päris palju trüki- ja hooletusvigu. Viimases peatükis, kus oli viidatud varasemale peatükile, oli vale leheküljenumber. Kokkuvõttes oli seda raamatut päris keeruline lugeda ja mul on hea meel, et ma seda oma raha eest ei ostnud.