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The Wrath & the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh

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adventurous lighthearted medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


 Enemy to lover tapi berasa yg nanggung banget!

The Wrath and The Dawn bisa dibilang karya debut dari Renee Ahdieh yang terinspirasi dari Kisah 1001 Malam. Premise dasarnya sendiri memang mengambil kisah Shahrazad atau Scheherazade yang mendongeng tiap malam kepada suaminya, Syah Razar agar dia selamat dari kekejaman sang suami yang selalu membunuh istri - istri terdahulu. Tapi kalau ngira The Wrath and The Dawn bakalan plek ketiplek sama Kisah 1001 Malam, ya bakal salah karena Renee Ahdieh hanya mengambil dasarnya saja dan mengembangkan ceritanya sendiri.

Di buku ini semua tokoh utamanya masih remaja umur 16-18 tahun. Shahrzad atau Shazi menikahi Khalid Ibnu al-Rashid yang seorang Khalif Khorasan karena ingin balas dendam gara - gara Khalid ngebunuh Shiva, sahabatnya Shazi. Tapi Shazi terus tahu kalau Khalid ternyata ga seburuk yang dia kira. Oke dari ini saja udah tipikal ceritanya, lol. Cuman gue teruskan baca karena pingin tahu kenapa Khalid ngebunuh istri - istri sebelum Shazi. Kalau di Kisah 1001 Malam yang asli, Syah Razar melakukan itu karena sakit hati, nah apakah di buku ini juga sama? Tentunya ya harus baca bukunya sampai akhir buat tahu.

Bagi gue, The Wrath and the Dawn ini lebih fokus romance ketimbang fantasynya. Lho Ren, kan kamu penggemar berat romance? Oh ya jelas, tapi gue merasa romance di buku ini kayak mixed signal. Renee Ahdieh mungkin bingung, mau bikin romansa yang slow burn atau yang insta-lust sekalian. Gue sendiri melihat kayaknya Ahdieh lebih fokus ke karakterisasi Khalid yang type strong, silent dan tortured. Arketipe tortured, brooding, mysterious dan "I'm not worthy of your love!" -nya itu DAPAT banget. Tapi gue ga bisa bilang hal yang sama buat Shazi. Buat cewek yang keras kepala dan pengen balas dendam sama Khalid, yang gue baca cuma "WOE is ME!", alias galau mulu si Shazi. Di satu sisi ingin ngebunuh Khalid, tapi disisi lain "aduh, Khalid mau nyium gue ga ya??". All happen in the 2nd (or 3rd day, I forgot, lol) day! Baru awal - awal! Jadi ini mau dibikin cinta bak mie instan atau yang slow burn deh?? Padahal dari segi Khalidnya sendiri udah mayan oke tapi dari Shazi gue mikir ini anak kenapa??

Gue bukan penggemar love triangle, tapi ada love triangle yang bisa ditulis dengan bagus. Ngebaca salah satu love interest Shazi di buku ini yaitu Tariq gue malah geli sendiri. Plus kesal juga sama Shazi. Gue ga masalahin misal Shazi masih ada perasaan sama Tariq dan nyium cinta pertamanya kalau Shazi sama Khalid misal masih tunangan atau penjajakan dulu. Ya selama janur kuning belum melengkung yekan? Tapi ini kan Shazi sama Khalid SUDAH nikah! Call me old fashioned, but, Shazi, loe tuh dah jadi permaisurinya Khalid tapi masih mau aja dicium Tariq! Wallahi, we are finished! Gue akan lebih menghargai kalau si Shazi pas mau dicium nolak lah atau gimana gitu, toh pas itu juga udah ketahuan kalau Shazi aslinya ada hati sama Khalid. Tapi diem - diem bae pas dikokop Tariq, ya gue juga jadi kesel bacanya lah hahaha. Tariq sendiri sering mencibir ke Khalid dan bilang Khalid itu raja bocah, tapi kelakuannya malah lebih bocah daripada Khalid. Kaca mana mas kaca???

Bagian politiknya sendiri sih ga terlalu banyak ya dan bahkan fantasynya pun termasuk yang sedikit kalau dibandingkan sama misalnya trilogy Daevabad yang juga sama - sama memakai kisah 1001 Malam. Gue mayan suka sama dongeng yang dituturkan sama Shazi, cuma sayangnya ga banyak. Ada salah satu dongeng yang lucu juga karena Shazi menuturkan kisah Bluebeard tapi ala Middle East. Wicis, cerita Bluebeard sendiri sebenarnya dari Prancis dan terinspirasi dari kisah Gilles de Rais walau ada study yang menyatakan kalau kisah Bluebeard memang ada kesamaan dengan kisah 1001 Malam yang asli yaitu di bagian suami yang ngebunuh istri - istrinya. Terjemahannya sendiri oke, agak kaku dikit tapi masih bisa dinikmati. Ada glossarium juga di belakangnya walau gue merasa beberapa istilah itu cuma kayak tempelan biar ceritanya berasa ada di timur tengah. Gue suka sama persahabatan Shazi dan Despina, juga dengan Jalal, Kapten Pengawalnya Khalid. Meski gue ga terlalu suka awal kisah romansa Khalid dan Shazi, pas mendekati akhir cukup ditulis dengan bagus.

Endingnya sendiri berakhir ngegantung dan dilanjutkan di The Rose and the Dagger. Gue merasa karena ini karya debut, maka The Wrath and the Dawn emang banyak kurangnya. Tapi buku ini ga buruk meski menurut gue juga ga wow banget. Gue berharap meski di buku pertama porsi romancenya lebih dominan, di buku kedua akan balance antara aspek fantasy dan romancenya. Apalagi melihat Shazi kayaknya punya sedikit sihir di dalam dirinya yang ga terlalu dieksplor di buku ini dan ending buku pertama yang menyiratkan kalau akan ada masalah besar yang mengancam Khorasan dan juga Khalid. 

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Crooked House - Buku Catatan Josephine by Agatha Christie

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mysterious tense slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


Dengan ini gue nobatkan Crooked House sebagai salah satu buku PALING stress yang gue baca tahun 2024

Dari halaman awal, the Queen of Crime herself, Agatha Christie bilang kalau Crooked House ini adalah salah satu buku favoritnya yang pernah dia tulis. Udah penasaran aja kan, emang kayak gimana sampai jadi favorit. Sekilas baca, gue langsung paham "Oh, jadi Knives Out salah satu idenya pasti dari buku ini." Gimana tidak, premis dasar Crooked House itu banyak dipake Knives Out. Mulai dari keluarga kaya raya tapi disfungsional, kematian patriach keluarga Leonides yang diakibatkan suntikan dari botol berisi racun dan orang asing selain keluarga yang menjadi detektif meski kalau di Crooked House ini detektifnya dadakan.

Charles Hayward cinta mati (banget) sama Sophia Leonides dan ingin menikahi gadis itu. Tapi Sophia baru saja berduka karena sang kakek, Aristides tewas setelah disuntik cairan dari botol yang harusnya berisi insulin. Kecurigaan diarahkan sama janda Aristides, Brenda yang usianya 50 tahun lebih muda dari Aristides, dan Laurence, guru yang disinyalir adalah kekasih gelap Brenda. Semua anggota keluarga Aristides ga ada yang suka Brenda, jadi wajar lah Brenda dituduh. Tapi, setelah tahu ada warisan yang gede banget dari almarhum, beberapa orang jadi punya motif untuk membunuh! Charles pun diminta ayahnya yang bagian dari Scotland Yard untuk menyelidiki kematian Aristides. Bantuan datang dari cucu Aristides, Josephine yang baru berumur 12 tahun tapi bilang ke Charles kalau dia bisa menduga siapa pelakunya.

Buku ini tipis yang ga sampai 300 halaman. Gue akuin beberapa bagian agak membosankan meski tetap mengundang pertanyaan, apa benar Brenda yang menyuntik Aristides dengan racun. Khas Agatha Christie, red herring lalu disebar. Gue sebagai pembaca diajak melihat dari sudut pandang Charles dinamika keluarga Leonides. Misteri tetap dijaga sampai saat menjelang akhir cerita gue cuma bisa bilang...


Yup, didn't see it coming, wkwk. Gue akuin kalau Agatha Christie kali ini juga masih briliant, karena siapa yang akan menyangka. Charles sendiri padahal sudah dikasih kisi - kisi sama ayahnya terkait kebiasaan para pembunuh kayak gimana dan dia sendiri juga masih ga nyadar sampai akhir - akhir cerita. "Aha!!" momentnya emang dapat banget buat buku Crooked House ini. Gue rasa ada karakterisasi dari pembunuh yang membuat Charles melewatkan hal yang penting sehingga saat dihadapkan pada kenyataan hanya bisa tertegun. Kalau gue sendiri selain "pikachu shock face", gue juga kayak merasa sedih baca akhirnya. Kayak, motif pembunuhnya emang mungkin kayak hal sepele, tapi justru akibatnya sangat fatal. Pembunuhnya ga menganggap apa yang dilakukannya salah dan wajar - wajar saja. Menurut gue, ini tipe pembunuh yang paling membahayakan tapi juga menyedihkan untuk dibaca.

Applause sekali lagi buat Agatha Christie dan gue juga paham kenapa novel ini jadi salah satu buku favoritnya. Apalagi Agatha Christie bilang kalau dia having fun banget pas baca. Mungkin having fun karena bisa sekali lagi ngibulin pembacanya wkwkwk. Gue juga bersyukur karena ga kepo dengan baca halaman terakhir sehingga momen terungkapnya kebenaran tetap terjaga. Buku yang tipis, tapi dengan impact yang cukup besar, Crooked House atau yang diterjemahkan jadi Buku Catatan Josephine ini emang ga boleh dilewatkan. 

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The Cruel Dark by Bea Northwick

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dark emotional mysterious tense slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


I plan to give The Cruel Dark maybe 3,5 stars, but then the truth regarding both Millicent and Callum come to the light and I'll be like "huh, that EXPLAIN things!", so I just up the rate into 4 stars. What? That's what I feel about the Cruel Dark, lol. And I like that the epilogue have some closure rather than left the story open to reader's interpretation. Don't worry, the story end in a happy note!

The Cruel Dark is Bea Northwick debut and I don't really remember, maybe I buy when it was on sale in Kobo. Now this title is only in KU, so I guess I'm lucky back then I give this book a chance and buy it. In the surface, The Cruel Dark have many gothic element that pretty apparent in the books with same genre. A lone woman with no other family member, an abandoned mansion, a enigmatic and charismatic (also brooding) hero, the head helper that seems cold and aloof and then the shadow (or maybe the ghost) of the hero's ex wife that maybe (or maybe not) killed by her own husband. Don't forget..the woman in white. 

Millicent Foxboro or Millie come into Willowfield to assist Callum Hughes, a professor, with his research regarding Celtic mythology. Not only Willowfield is in a sorry state of mansion, Millie had been haunted not only by her murky pasts but also apparitions of woman in white. Callum himself is brooding and seems cold, but gradually he and Millie become close and they soon engulfed in their passion for each other. However, both characters also hide their own secret and what Callum did to his deceased wife, Mrs Hughes? Is it true that he killed her in a cold blood? And what is this ghost that Millie encountered in the Willowfield mansion? Is she part of the fae or something more sinister?

I admit Northwick can capture the gothic vibes of the Cruel Dark very well. The book also steamy, so it's a most welcome if you like to be shivering reading about ghost also want your story to be titillating, lel. However, the story pace can be too slow sometimes and I wonder what make Callum's attitude toward Millie change. Maybe because he amused to see Millie didn't back down from his harsh remark and constantly challenge him? Their first tryst can be sketchy at first because Callum is Millie's employer, so their power dynamic can be unbalance. But, with the story flow and like I said, when the truth come out, all will end well. Yeah, trust me!! I like that Northwick manage to write the mystery tightly will reveal it a bit by little bit so I can's help to turning the page. And to said that I'm satisfied with how the story unraveled is an understatement. I also like the touch of Celtic mythology into the book and wondering if the woman in white that Millie encountered is a bean sidhe. The sex also well written and I really love that Millie didn't shy away from her sexuality and like to take initiative when it comes to bedsport. Didn't help that Callum have his own dirty talk, heh!

I think if you like a gothic historical romance set in Roaring Twenties but also in the time of Prohibition (but alas, the Prohibition vibes is not that much), you can put The Cruel Dark into one of your to be read. Millie might be tortured with her pasts but she is not a simpering lady and manage to hold her ground with Callum. Since this book told from Millie's first PoV, sometime I wondering what Callum think about Millie. Apparently, Northwick already release "Lover", a companion novella to The Cruel Dark that written entirely from Callum's PoV and better to be read after you finish The Cruel Dark. This book is surely can't be missed! 


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The Guest List by Lucy Foley

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dark emotional mysterious tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


Revenge is, indeed, a dish best served cold.

Before I write my review, I suggest you to read the TW/CW first because some of the book contents can be too triggering for some.

Reading The Guest List because I need to catch up with my GR thematic Reading Challenge (beta version, only in Android app) and the choice didn't disappoint. I also buy the ebook when it was on sale, and again, a money well spent. Many compared The Guest List with "And Then There Were None" and "Murder on Orient Express". Both are two of Agatha Christie's classics and also well loved. The marketing itself can be pretty bold to compare Lucy Foley with the Queen of Crime but I guess the comparison is not fall far from the mark. The bit about Murder on the Orient Express is halfway true if I compared the ending, but The Guest List kinda can catch the vibes of strange and isolated island with ensemble cast that have so much secrets between them that And Then There Were None have. And this is from me who always put And Then There Were None in top of my mystery recommendation lists.

Many reviews also state that the book is slow pace, but I digress. I feel that the pace actually was mid to fast. The slow pace maybe because so many point of views to be told? The Guest List have 5 PoV (and another PoV added near the end) from 5 person. Aoife, the wedding planner and also the owner of the Folly, the castle in Inis an Amplora or Cormorant Island. Then, Hannah, the plus one, she is Charlie's wife and Charlie is the bride's best friend. Another is Johnno, the groom best man and Olivia, the bridesmaid, also the bride's half sister. And the last PoV belong to Jules, the bride. This is her dream wedding, her soon to be husband, Will, is the star of survival reality show and she know that their marriage already decide by fate although Jules and Will dated only in months. She will have the best wedding ever, although this little note that warn her to not marry Will always nagging her mind. Why, indeed? There are chapters called Wedding Night that told entirely from 3rd PoV and that's what make this book interesting. A murder was happen. But, who is the victim? Who is the culprit? Why murder them in the first place?

With past and presents entangled, the event that happen in The Guest List actually only happen in 2 days maximum. One day before the wedding and the day when the wedding happen. While Foley write 5 PoV, all this PoV actually happen in almost the same time while some of them kinda reminiscing their pasts reveal one or two shocking truth that finally shed some light into a person of interest. I won't tell that much since I think the spoiler can be hard to avoid, but the victim deserve their fate. The culprit is not who I think at first and I amend that after all that build up from the first part the ending feel flat. There's little closure, hence why I didn't give this a full 5 stars. I want total closure, dammit. From all the PoV, I connected the most with Hannah and Olivia. Especially Hannah, I can feel her struggle as a Mom of two and how she feel that her marriage to Charlie is kinda fizzling the passion barely there. The closure that I want is
to see Hannah bitchslapped Jules. HARD. I don't care with what happen to Jules in the end or when she finally understand what Olivia already endured, but what Jules and Charlie did left me bitter in the end. I really hope that Hannah will divorce Charlie immediately after the wedding end. I can't blame Hannah to feel attracted to Will in the first place because beside an actor, Will also have his charms. But Hannah never did once cheated on Charlie, and what that pitiful excuse of husband did? Gawd, I really want to punch Charlie in the face and I really want Hannah to also punch Jules to the face, consequences be damned!

The Guest List deal with the darker nature of human and it pretty much apparent from Will, Johnno and their pack of fratboys from their boarding school era. The wedding (and alcohol) bring the worse from them. I really feel this sick feeling to my stomach reading their wrongdoings and how they feel like their past deeds just a prank with they constantly brush off their bullying with "boys will be boys." Foley herself write in the interview in the back of the book with how she want to write characters with some past that explain why they behave like that, but I feel conflicted. I guess that also one of the book's weakness with how convenient some of the culprits's motives seems aligned with the victims's past deeds. I guess, maybe because Foley want to give them all motive to kill in order to bring some of the red herrings. However, 
while I already guess that the man that Olivia dated was Will, the connection between Hannah's sister, Alice to Will seems like happen because of the author write it? And also Aoife too? For Johnno, I can understand that he got the most beef with Will because they are friends from their boarding school era. Jules's motive because she was humiliated by Will because of his connection to Olivia, I can accept that. But Hannah and Aoife's reasons feel pretty much too convenience!
. Too put it simply, I agree with my friend because I want what happen in Murder on the Orient Express will happen too in The Guest List. But, alas.

Still, I feel The Guest List deserve it winnings despite some its flaws and weakness. The comparison of this book with not only one but two of Agatha Christie's beloved classing maybe can be too much, but I admit that I enjoy reading the Guest List although the end feels a little bit anti climax. The female rages was well written. The first PoV actually work wonders because I can feel connected to all the PoV except Jules, lel. Yeah, I know Jules have parent issues and perfectionist, but her PoV is the least favorite of mine. I prefer Hannah and Olivia, although Olivia's PoV can be too depressing and nauseating to read. Poor Johnno, though. But eh, he also kinda deserve it in the end. Aoife's voice provide some of history behind Inis an Amplora history and how she manage to hold a wedding in professional manner while hiding some secrets of her own. Truly, this book left me want to turn page after page, make me hold my breath and in the end, shouting to the victim with "yeah, you deserve it after all you've done."


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Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop - Selamat Datang di Toko Buku Hyunam-Dong by Hwang Bo-Reum

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emotional inspiring lighthearted slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


Buku yang buat gue bimbang dalam kasih rating. Di satu sisi gue suka sama pendekatan authornya terkait seluk beluk toko buku dan segala macamnya. Di sisi lain, gue merasa kurang terkoneksi dengan Yeong-ju dan orang - orang di sekitarnya. Apa ini karena gue baca terjemahan versi Indonya? Apa kalau baca yg versi terjemahan bahasa Inggris, gue akan merasakan hal yang berbeda?

Welcome to Hyunam-dong Bookshop atau Selamat Datang di Toko Buku Hyunam-dong adalah K-Lit ketiga yang gue baca. Selama ini belum ada K-Lit yang gue rate lebih dari 3,5 dan apa ini artinya gue lebih cocok sama J-lit? Baca Hyunam-dong Bookshop sedikit banyak mengingatkan gue pada School Nurse Ahn-Eunyong tapi lebih pada timeline yang non linear. Eniwei, timeline non linear buku ini cuma awal - awal saja karena selanjutnya timelinenya mulai rapi. Meski tokoh utamanya adalah Yeong-ju (yang typo di blurb bukunya jadi Young Joo, tapi Hyunam-dong Bookshop ga cuma menceritakan tentang dia saja. Ada Min-joon, barista dengan krisis aktualisasi diri terkait pekerjaan, Min-cheol, si anak SMA yang galau mau lanjut kuliah atau ngga dan ibunya yang akhirnya tahu juga siapa namanya selain Ibu Min-Cheol yaitu Hee-Ju. Ada juga Jimmy, pemilik Goat Bean yang juga kawan Yeong-ju dan bermasalah dengan suaminya. Jung-seo, seorang wanita muda yang hobi bermeditasi sambil merajut untuk mengatur emosi dan amarahnya. Kemudian ada penulis Hyun Seung-woo yang ahli dalam membuat kalimat baik yang nantinya perlahan akan dekat juga sama Yeong-ju.

Gue paham kenapa buku ini bisa jadi comfort book bagi beberapa orang, tapi terus terang gue ga merasakan hal itu. Beberapa hal yang dibahas di buku ini cukup menggelitik utamanya terkait dengan burn out akibat pekerjaan atau bagaimana menghadapi orang serta lingkungan yang toxic. Kekurangannya menurut gue karena ada beberapa bab yang jadi kurang fokus dan terlalu filosofis untuk gue. Bab - bab favorit gue tentunya tentang bagaiman Yeong-ju menjalankan bisnis toko bukunya. Banyak hal - hal menarik yang bisa gue amati dan bisa dijadikan masukan terkait dengan kelancaran dalam berbisnis toko buku tanpa terlalu banyak bahasa bisnis. Gue merasa Yeong-ju juga cukup idealis seperti keputusannya untuk tidak menjual buku best seller dengan harapan buku yang ada di toko bukunya lebih bervariasi. Tidak cuma dari segi buku, karena Hyunam-dong Bookshop ini juga sekalian cafe, maka ada beberapa bahasan tentang kopi dan jenis - jenisnya. Buku dan kopi, emang kombinasi yang ga pernah salah meski gue aslinya ga suka minum kopi, hehehe. Acara - acara yang dilakukan Yeong-ju di toko buku juga menarik, misalkan ada acara klub buku atau bedah buku bersama penulisnya. Yeong-ju juga aktif dalam sosial media, suatu hal yang gue rasa cukup unik mengingat semua sosmed dia handle sendiri. Suatu hal yang luar biasa dan gue salut dengan kerajinan Yeong-ju dalam menjalankan bisnis bukunya. Gue juga suka sama personal developmentnya Yeong-ju, dimana awalnya dia kelihatan kayak baik - baik saja tapi ternyata masa lalunya cukup pelik sampai jadi pemantik dia punya toko buku.

Kekurangannya, mungkin seperti yang gue utarakan di awal, apa karena terjemahannya? Beberapa transisi antara dialog dan narasi kurang mulus. Pun karena diceritakan dari sudut pandang orang ketiga serba tahu, kurang terasa emosi beberapa tokohnya, kecuali untuk Yeong-ju atau Min-joon. Gue juga kurang paham sama penamaan orang Korea sehingga sering salah kira gender tokohnya, dimana gue kira Jimmy itu awalnya cowok tapi ternyata aslinya tuh cewek! Beberapa bagian buku ini emang kayak berasa buku motivasi untuk kehidupan sampai gue merasa ini apa buku self-development tapi dalam bentuk fiksi, lel. Meski begitu, bagian yang gue suka saat interview Yeong-ju dengan salah satu penulis dimana wajar saja kalau tidak mengingat buku yang kita baca tapi setidaknya isi buku itu merasuk ke tubuh jadi diingat oleh tubuh. Nah, intinya ga usah galau kalau habis baca buku ga ingat apa - apa gaes, itu wajar aja. 

Bukan buku yang akan gue baca dua kali, tapi menurut gue kalau kamu suka buku tentang toko buku yang juga bahas dinamika tokoh - tokohnya maka Welcome to Hyunam-dong Bookshop bisa dicoba. Apalagi kalau butuh self-healing utamanya yang ada hubungannya sama burn out entah itu karena pekerjaan atau malah hubungan yang kurang mulus dengan sesama manusia misalnya. 

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Surat Kematian - Death Notice by Zhou Haohui

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challenging dark emotional mysterious tense fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


 Selama ini untuk karya penulis dari Asia Timur, gue lebih banyak baca karya dari author Jepang atau Korea. Surat Kematian atau Death Notice bisa dibilang karya author dari Negeri Tirai Bambu pertama yang gue baca. Buku ini juga hadiah dari Mba Desty untuk event Secret Santa di bulan Desember 2021 dan kemungkinan besar bakal terus gue anggurin seandainya ga ikutan RC Babat Timbunan dengan tema khusus "Hadiah". Tapi gue bersyukur juga memilih Surat Kematian ini karena menurut gue ceritanya emang SERU, meski ada beberapa hal yang gue kurang sreg makanya ga full ngasih 5 bintang :-)

Premis Surat Kematian sebenarnya udah awam digunakan. Bahkan gue teringat manga Death Note saat membaca buku ini, minus entitas supranatural tentunya. Menggabungkan element cold case dan serial killer manhunt, Kepolisian Kota A (gue baru tau kalau aslinya kotanya di Chengdu) harus berpacu dengan waktu untuk menyelamatkan orang - orang yang diincar seorang algojo yang menamakan dirinya Eumenides. Masalahnya, orang yang diincar itu pelaku kejahatan yang lolos karena sistem hukum di China yang dianggap oleh Eumenides lemah. Tapi ya nyawa kan tetap nyawa dan apa yang dilakukan Eumenides tentu menjadi perdebatan. Sejauh apa orang bisa bersikap main hakim sendiri meski apa yang dia lakukan itu dia anggap sebagai kebenaran?

Cara penuturan Death Notice emang sangat telling rather than showing, yang menurut gue mungkin ciri khas author dari China dan Jepang kayak gitu. Berat di narasi dan deskripsi. Gue ga ngerti apa karena dari terjemahannya meski infonya buku ini diterjemahkan langsung dari Mandarin, tapi gue merasa gaya nulisnya Zhou Haohui meski ceritanya seru, tapi berasa amatir. Banyak bagian - bagian yang menurut gue bisa dipangkas dan gaya tulis sudut pandang ketiga serba tahu ini juga jadi kayak semacam kelemahan buku ini. Gue mengamini beberapa review kalau ada beberapa hal yang janggal dan meski Luo Fei, salah satu polisi di buku ini, dibilang jenius, rasanya kejeniusannya gue agak merasa janggal, lol. Baca Luo Fei ini emang gue jadi keinget tokoh L di Death Note sih, sementara Eumenides itu si Light Yagami akan Kira. Bedanya, sampai akhir identitas Eumenides masih tertutup rapi.

Lho? Jadi ceritanya belum selesai? Gue selalu merasa kok buku ini agak - agak tipis ya ga sampai 400 halaman meski ukuran bukunya juga cukup gede dan ngebatin kenapa buku yang no 2 tebel banget sampai 600 halaman. Ending Surat Kematian sendiri ternyata di luar prediksi BMKG dan buku ini emang seperti sebuah pendahuluan yang disiapkan Haohui sebagai pembuka panggung perseteruan antara Eumenides dengan pihak Kepolisian, utamanya Luo Fei dan kapten Han Hao. Gue ngasih rating cukup tinggi karena tiga bab terakhir emang luar biasa tensi dan pacenya. Haohui cukup lihai dalam menyimpan misteri untuk kemudian membukanya satu persatu bak kulit bawang dengan sangat rapi. Bahwa Eumenides dan Luo Fei itu terhubung dan kepolisian ternyata ga sebersih yang kita kira. Cara Eumenides mengelabui Han Hao dan Luo Fei di akhir emang gue akuin luar biasa.

Meski begitu beberapa hal emang cukup janggal seperti misalnya 
kasus Han Hao yang membuatnya diangkat jadi kepala Reserse Kriminal tapi temannya malah meninggal. Cara Haohui menjelaskan memang cukup aneh dan kurang bisa diterima dengan nalar. Lalu identitas asli Eumenides senior dan motivasinya menjadi Eumenides bikin gue merasa bimbang. Di sisi lain gue ngerti kenapa Eumenides senior ingin jadi vigilante demi membalaskan dendamnya tapi gue ga suka dengan cara dia mengorbankan orang, dalam hal ini kekasih Luo Fei, Meng Yun. Eumenides senior mau menghalalkan segala cara demi prinsipnya dan gue mikir "duh, ini orang kayaknya delusional". Selain itu cara Eumenides junior aka pelanjut Eumenides yang senior, itu juga gue masih bertanya - tanya. Sejenius apa Eumenides kedua? Kenapa dia bisa menebak dan mempermainkan polisi dan bahkan gimana caranya dia tahu strategi polisi? Apakah Eumenides kedua ini hacker handal yang bahkan lebih handal kemampuan programmernya ketimbang Zeng Rihua yang ahli IT di polisi? Terus terang masih banyak yang perlu dipertanyakan dari si Eumenides kedua ini
. Walau dengan beberapa kejanggalan itu dan mungkin premis yang udah sering dipakai, gue merasa Surat Kematian ini punya beberapa hal yang bisa dijadikan bahan diskusi. Seperti sistem keadilan di China yang ternyata toh ya sama aja dengan Indo, bisa dikorupsi dan orang yang harusnya diadili malah melenggang bebas. Membuat gue bertanya - tanya, simbol Lady Justice itu ditutup matanya mungkin bisa diinterpretasikan bahwa hukum itu tidak pandang bulu. Tapi gue juga merasa dengan mata yang ditutup, hukum pun seolah mengalihkan pandangan dari apa yang benar dan salah. Eumenides sendiri berkata kalau orang berbuat jahat karena terkadang mereka tidak punya pilihan? Tapi gue sendiri bisa berdebat tentang sistem main hakim sendirinya Eumenides ini apakah emang bisa diterima sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku?

Cerita Surat Kematian berlanjut ke buku dua yang diberi judul Takdir. Bukunya juga sudah diterjemahkan dan memang lebih tebal, membuat gue jadi penasaran langkah apa lagi yang Eumenides punya untuk berkelit dari Luo Fei dan kepolisian Kota A yang memburunya. Memang Surat Kematian ini ada beberapa kelemahan, tapi kalau suka thriller suspense dengan misteri yang ditulis secara rapi dan beberapa twist yang ga terduga (atau bisa diduga kalau udah kebanyakan baca genre sejenis), buku ini cukup gue rekomendasikan. 

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Mrs. Morris and the Ghost of Christmas Past by Traci Wilton

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hopeful lighthearted mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


 Three books already and I still can't feel myself to warming toward Charlene Morris and the Salem's residents. The story happen in the Christmas time, three months after Charlene moved into Salem and open her own B&B, and baaam, another dead body! I don't know if Charlene is really unfortunate or Salem have a high count of dead body, but yeah, another time for Charlene to play Nancy Drew. The poor victim is David, the owner of local Italian restaurant named Bella and Charlene always think David is a good and charming man. David also recently winning a lottery which make things awkward with his second wife and his kid from David's first marriage. Thing turn deadly when David become victim of run over and many people have motives to cause David bodily harm.

Honestly, I really dislike Charlene's mother. I know that mother, no matter what how old their children are, still think them as "child". But, Charlene's mother take it to a whole new level. Charlene is already in her 40-ish, she apparently still processing her grief after her husband died two years ago, but what Charlene's mom aka Brenda did? Constantly criticize and belittle Charlene, always gaslighting because she think Charlene didn't love her enough. Charlene's father, Michael, seems to tolerate his wife, but if I have mother like Brenda, I will do everything in my power to go away. Heck, even if my relationship with my Mother kinda rocky when I'm in my twenties, when I already in my thirties she just let me do as I please. Brenda's insufferable attitude toward Charlene kinda left a bitter taste for me and why Charlene although she also angry but still try to love her mother speak volume. Charlene indeed, is too kind.

The mystery kinda simple but what I like from this series is how the culprit always not what they seems to be and the red herrings were well written. As for Charlene and Sam's budding relationship, although Sam still hesitant to share his investigation surprisingly there's no wuss from him regarding Charlene's sleuthing. In opposite, he try to wooing her and maybe Charlene finally start to thaw and want to pursue a romantic relationship. But what about our charming resident ghost, Jack Sthratmore? I really like Jack and I think one of the highlight of this series is Jack's presence. I wish Jack appear more often and I like his platonic relationship with Charlene. While from the start the love triangle possibility is high, I don't think it can be called as love triangle at all. Jack is dead and any romantic pursuits with Charlene seems impossible while Sam is a living being. But, if I can choose, I like Jack and Charlene's platonic relationship more.

Mrs Morris and The Ghost of Christmas Past tend heavily into Charlene's relationship with her parents rather than the mystery. What make me disappointed is the "ghost" that mention in the title more like figuratively speaking rather than the real deal. The ghost still only Jack and maybe Jack is a special case because only Charlene who can see him. The book pace itself was pretty fast and also light. However, since I already collect the series up to book 8 (lol, bad habit of mine!), I will read them all but will not buy any new books after I feel certain that I can connect to Charlene and the Salem's citizen. 

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Legacy of Chaos by Larissa Ione

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adventurous emotional hopeful tense fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


Slightly better written compared to its first book, Legacy of Temptation, Larissa Ione back again to Demonica World and feature the OG's children's stories while navigating their romantic problems and also saving the world from demon and angel alike. The nostalgia factor already paid off with book 1 and this book continue from what left in book 1. Both MCs, Stryke and Cyan already introduced in book 1, with Stryke is Shade and Runa's triplet while Cyan is a technomancer who also member of DART, the organization under Kynan Morgan's leadership. They don't cross path since while Stryker is part of the Seminus brother families, he was also estranged from them because he believe he was responsible for his little brother, Chaos's death. But, fate is fickle and when one of Stryker's creation kill Cyan's close friend, that put Cyan into grief and she hate Stryker for that.

I think when I read their first introductions, I predict Legacy of Chaos will be full angst and hate. But, actually, the angst were bearable and the focus of this book is more to Stryke's journey in forgive himself and amend his relationship with his estranged family. Stryke is part of Shade and Runa's triplet, but because of his guilt he sever the bond with his other triplets, Blade and Rade, resulting in ongoing feud between brothers especially from Blade. Chaos's death also make Stryke hate sex and it's that not an irony, because Stryke is an incubus, basically sex demon that need sex to survive. I feel like this book mainly focus to Stryke with his intelligent mind, tight on control and always feel like because he is in so much pain, it justified for him to act as an asshole to everyone while also torture himself. This part is hard to read because of how much self-loathing that Stryke have before he finally met Cyan and learn to let go of his past.

Yep, the story pretty much oldies but goldies paranormal romance that I know and familiar of. While Ione give so many focus into Stryke's personal development, sadly it was not the same with Cyan. I feel like Cyan maybe forgive Stryke too easily despite her resentment toward him because of his role in killing Cyan's friend although not directly. The insta-lust is pretty apparent, however I prefer Stryke and Cyan's romantic endeavor compared to Logan and Eva from book 1. Imho, Logan was a little bland and Eva was like Tayla only Tayla way way better. Stryke already complex from the beginning and I think Cyan is well written compared to Eva. Sure she heal Stryke with the power of love and sex (lel), but I like her approach to Stryke regarding his hate of sex and to process his long unprocessed trauma. The scene when Cyan seduce Stryke is superb, like I always know Ione can always write scorching hot sex scenes but also tender in the same time. Since Stryke is also Seminus, the scene just become hotter than ever, lol.

The story kinda moving forward but albeit in rather mid pace. Gabriel, one of the Archangels, now have major role and he face a trial because of his role in aiding Azagoth to destroy Sheoul-gra. Pooe Gabriel, in the end his fate is uncertain and the epilogue just give a major cliffhanger for Gabriel's future. I like Gabriel because from all angels (bar Reaver), he is not a goody two legged angel with jerk personality, although he has his own agenda. The book is action packed, but I think the climax and high stake happen in the middle of the book when Stryke and Cyan try to destroy the demon portal in the middle of the ocean while battling oceanic demons. The end kinda feel mid to low stake, focused more into Stryke and Cyan's blossoming romance, Stryke's path into healing and Cyan's acceptance to her grief after losing a dear friend. 

The next book, Legacy of Desire, will released a year later (!) and will feature not only two MCs but three!! This, I believe is the first time Larissa Ione write menage (or threesome) into Demonica world and make them as main characters. Scotty (Ares's daughter), Mace (Lore's son, but his biological father is Wraith) and Blade will be tested for their friendship's resolve and if it's possible for Scotty to love both men in the same time (I guess she will. Like, why choose?). The Heaven is still high in conspiracy while the demon and supernatural beings still roaming the Earth. But honestly? I'm curious about Gabriel's predicament after reading the epilogue! Sigh, I think Ione maybe save him for the last and if he will be paired with Raika, Azagoth's daughter? That will be hilarious or amusing because imagine if Azagoth will become Gabriel's father in law, lol.

A good addition into Demonica World, I enjoy Legacy of Chaos despite some of its weakness. I always know when its come to paranormal romance with actions, complex and interesting ensemble of characters, intriguing conspiracy between Heaven and Hell and also scorching (and innovative also didn't boring at all) hot sex scenes, I always can rely on Larissa Ione's Demonica world. 

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The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

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adventurous dark mysterious tense fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


 2 WEEKS Reading well spent and one of my Top Read 2024!!

One thing that I regret is why I just read The Lies of Locke Lamora in 2024, but if I see the state of Gentleman Bastard series that continue in limbo maybe the decision is right, lol.

Where to start? This book have so many elements that I love. Locke is an anti hero, through and through. While he become a reluctant hero near the end regarding the fate of Camorr, in the end he is still true to himself. Locke is a thief, he stole money from Camorr's nobles for his own gain. Or to quote the late Father Chains, the first garrista of Gentleman Bastard, to relieve those nobles of their wealth, lel. Just like the title of this book, we will get through so many Locke's lies. Whether when he plan to rob a unfortunate Don Salvara of his money or to save his life from the clutch of the Duke Nicovante's Spider or when he try to juggle two task at the same time that given to him by Capa Barsavi and the Gray King. I find myself read with trepidation but also excitement in the same time because I want to know if Locke will come out safely from his predicaments. Locke is not a book smart, but he is witty, savvy and even after tortured so much, he still come back from his injury to plan revenge against those who wronged Gentleman Bastard.

The Lies of Locke Lamora written in non linear timeline. In the main chapter, we will read through Locke's lies and adventure in the present while in the Interlude, we have a coming-of-age story from when Locke first brought into Gentleman Bastard and some of Camorr's history. Some of the Interlude kinda disturb the flow of the story, but the rest was proceeding smoothly. I like the Interlude when Father Chains teach Locke about the art of thievery. Not just steal here and there, but also learn about culture, clothing, language, Camorr religion that consist of twelve divine god & goddess (and the unnamed thirteenth God, the God of Thief) and cooking intricate dishes, all in order to successfully plan a disguise when they steal noble's wealth or tricking their big boss. 

One of the spotlight of this book beside Locke's bigger than life personality is his friendship with Gentleman Bastard, especially Jean Tannen. Jean might have less appearance compared to Locke, but he's a loyal companion. Don't let his soft and big physique fool you, because Jean is a skilled swordmaster (or weaponmaster) with a hatchet called The Wicked Sisters. But importantly, he always ready to save Locke when he's in problem and while their relationship start rocky in which Locke once mock Jean as a softie (in which proven otherwise because Jean just barely lost his parent and he's in much grief so his temperament was running high), they become solid in the end. This book also have little to none romance, although Locke seems to can't move on from his paramour, Sabetha. I really curious what Sabetha did that make Locke still enamored but unwilling to admit it. While the women is not one of main characters (a pity), I like that Locke manage to write them all as strong characters and not one of damsel in distress or annoying and oversexualized character. The Interlude titled Woman in Camorr also one of my favorite because the Camorr's brothels and prostitutes are powers to be reckoned with.

If there's any complaint, maybe because I feel the way Lynch write the world building is unclear. From the vibes alone, maybe this book influenced by Italia in the pre-Renaissance era. Some of the term also pretty much Italian, like Capa that obviously taken from "Capo". The map in my book only show Camorr with its canal (pretty much like Venice) but I wish the map also show the entire kingdom. A glossary will be nice, though. The magic system is pretty much simple since the fantasy aspect mostly focused onto the religion of Camorr citizen and the dynamic of the nobles and the criminals. I'm willing to take aside my complaint because The Lies of Locke Lamora is the Lynch's first book to be published and I hope the world building will be explain thoroughly in the next book.

To quote a random commenter in my reading thread for The Lies of Locke Lamora on Twitter, a good book written by crazy person that maybe will finally finish the series, lol. I will recommend this book if you like your fantasy with anti hero who will charmed you from the start and never have a dull moment. The violence, blood and profanity can be too much to read, but if all of it don't bother you, then it's the time to read about how Locke Lamora spun his lies and deceits to deceive Camorr's nobility and his enemies!

 "Someday, Locke Lamora,” he said, “someday, you’re going to fuck up so magnificently, so ambitiously, so overwhelmingly that the sky will light up and the moons will spin and the gods themselves will shit comets with glee. And I just hope I’m still around to see it."

"Oh, please," said Locke. "It'll never happen" 

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Murder, She Knit by Peggy Ehrhart

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lighthearted mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


 Murder, She Knit is the first cozy mystery about knitting that I'd read. Honestly, if I don't join cozy mystery reading challenge and try to find a title about knitting/sewing, chance I will not read this one. I prefer my cozy mystery with foodies element or paranormal aspect. For a first book, Murder, She Knit is not that bad. But not that good either, so this was just an OK read for me.

I admit that beside knitting, I like the cover for Murder, She Knit. Cat and yarn, two cute things thrown together. However, I'm a little bit disappointed because the cat, Catrina don't have many appearance or important part in story except become a pet. The yarn itself of course is the main theme because the heroine, Pamela Paterson is a knitter and create Knit and Nibble , knitting club with her neighbors in which they will knit (duh!) and nibbling some cakes or cookies. Reading this book make me realize that knitting and crocheting is different. Quite a knowledge and even though Pamela's friend, Bettina is crocheter herself, she still welcome in the Knit and Nibble.

After many cozy mystery I'd read this year, Murder, She Knit actually kinda different. There's no romantic interaction between Pamela and the detective/office/law enforcement. The detective and the officer was bearable although Pamela and Bettina justified their sleuthing just because "Police often didn't ask the right things". Although there is a potential love interest with Pamela's new neighbor, Pamela herself still dismiss that idea. Pamela herself is a widow, she lost her husband 5 years ago and a mother to a girl who in the college so I kinda understand that romance is the less that she think no matter that her new neighbor seems interested to her. Although, I just find that Pamela's reaction when discover dead body not just once but twice is a little bit weird. She calm, perhaps. Some thing that left me dumbfounded is when Pamela didn't bring her phone when she taking a walk, that seems weird but maybe it's her habit. Some reviews also mentioned that Pamela can be too judgmental and I agree. The obvious happen when she assumed that the yarn that the shopkeeper didn't want to let go if because the shopkeeper was infertile and because the yarn made from vicuna's fur and vicuna usually connected with fertility? Weird. Another is when she assume about her new neighbor being playboy and when turn out that he's not, it's very awkward to read.

The mystery is light but honestly the culprit is not what I think would be. Seems like sudden or out of nowhere or more like, "huh, they are the murderer??". While I understand the reasons behind the murder, I just go "eh?" Murder, She Knit didn't left a good impression for me and I'm glad that I just bought book 1 before decide to collect them all (one of my bad habit, lel). I just didn't care if Pamela and her new neighbor, Richard will have romantic relationship or if there will be new murder in the Arborville. At least I know what the difference between knitting and crocheting. 

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